Mothership: Shipbreaker's Toolkit

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    New tools for spacecraft in Mothership
    [a Mothership 1E: First Edition Core Rulebook]

    The Shipbreaker's Toolkit is a new core rulebook dedicated to building, buying, breaking, and battling ships.


    About the book:
    Mothership: Shipbreaker's Toolkit is the ultimate guide to space travel in the Mothership universe. The Shipbreaker's Toolkit gives you all the tools for operating, maintaining, and, if the need arises, battling spacecraft.

    Build, buy, break, and battle ships
    10 pre-made ships, ready to play and customize
    Addresses common issues with space travel and ship combat:
    Failure on a ship and its effects on the crew's stress
    How ship damage affects the environment, such as life support systems and navigation
    Handling ship combat as group choices called "Ship Rounds" in place of individual actions before time returns to normal for players to deal with the issues that arise from any damage sustained.

    A Repair & Maintenance table of d100 maintenance issues, made up of major and minor repairs.

    The Team:

    Written by Sean McCoy

    Ships designed by Sam Wildman

    Edited by Jarrett Crader

    Developed by Donn Stroud, Nick Reed, Tyler Kimball, Fiona Maeve Geist, Luke Gearing, and Sam Wildman

    Illustrated by Ryan Barry, Jordan Farquhar, Gil Rodrigo, Sean McCoy, and Sam Wildman

    44 page saddle-stitched digest sized zine.

    - $20.00

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