Mysterious creatures are attacking the hamlet of Starcross...
...and now there are only 9 villagers left!
In Pork Borg, characters are pitted against a mysterious villain said to be transforming the townsfolk into PIGS! This pamphlet is intended for use with MÖRK BORG.
a quick list of rumours
a 5 room mini-dungeon
the Candlestick Man, an evil NPC with nefarious plans
Created by Gizmo the Bugbear, author of Book of Misery and more!
[Pork Borg] is an independent production by [Gizmo_the_Bugbear] and is not affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License.
An Exalted Funeral Exclusive!
8.5" x 11" (flat size) trifold pamphlet, full color both sides.
WizKids - 71890 D&D Icons of the Realms Temple of Elemental Evil Booster Box