Crushed under the unbearable weight of the system lies you; A citizen in this technological nightmare. Will you yield your personality and obey? Or perhaps you will dare to find the truth about this forsaken place you were born into?
So it goes. The cold wind carries the moaning of circuitry pressed against pulsing flesh. Suffocating it...and black coffee would not free me from the metallic aftertaste which has been lingering since wake. A curse. Carrying a much too heavy burden for an eternity; like Sysiphus, or something like that. Heard that one from a deranged epsilon while escorting him to Samsara for a lobotomy.
Maybe he was right, but what does it matter? Stay focused. Stay functional. A memo arrives. Orders. Level 3 offense. Rioting in an air filtering facility. Summary execution of a Delta worker. The Grey District. I grab my peacemaker. More cold coffee. Cigarettes. ID.
Here we go, into the gaping maw of Neurocity once again.
Inspired by sci-fi works like Alphaville, 1984, Brave New World, THX1132 and Dark City. Neurocity is a subterranean city complex crowned by a glitched digital sun ruled by an ever watchful supercomputer named I.S.A.C.
Part of the multi-awarded Warpland trilogy. Sharing the system with both Warpland and Hell Night. The deluxe Colorblind version is the expanded and enhanced edition of a dystopian noir thriller which seeks to challenge our perception of reality and authority.
Crushed under the unbearable weight of the system lies you; A citizen in this technological nightmare. Will you yield your personality and obey? Or perhaps you will dare to find the truth about this forsaken place you were born into?
The Team:
Writing by Gavriel Quiroga(link opens in new tab/window)
Editing by Walton Wood(link opens in new tab/window)
Graphics and Layout by Laurie Gius(link opens in new tab/window)
Colorblind Friendly Consultant: Nathan Riggs
Hardcover, 8.5" by 8.5", 165 uncoated, thick pages, soft-touch
hardcover, smythesewn with a pink ribbon.
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