An expedition assembled at great cost is a bust, the scribe's map a forgery, the treasure a mere bard's tale. The only hope to escape these shattered lands and the pursuit of a host of undead nightmares is to answer the desperate dream call of an archmage trapped in a sinking tower. If the tower can be freed from the elementals dragging it beneath the earth, it can transport all within to safety. With the howls of pursuit closing in, the battlement of the tower comes into view at the bottom of a ravine ... the rest of the tower already sunk deep within the earth. The time to escape is fleeting, the only way forward is down into darkness.
Are your adventurers up to the task?
Mazes is a return to the classic sword and sorcery dungeon crawler with award-winning, yet delightfully simple modern rules. The first TTRPG to use the polymorph system, Mazes is easy to learn and teach, and ready to play without a lot of prep.
Designed for episodic play, Mazes is ideal for one-shots and conventions. It's a distillation and modernization of the classic Dungeon Delve, making it a perfect introduction for those new to roleplaying, as well a great excuse for grognards to get back into the dungeon!
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