Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr2 The Final Forces on the Eastern Front 1941-1944

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    This 2nd Panzer expansion set completes the German and Soviet forces with focus on the less common and early war vehicles (Panzer IB, Panzer IVD and Panzer IIIF, BT-7, T-26, early T-34 and KV-1) and Soviet Lend-Lease units (like Sherman III, M3 Lee, Stuart III, Valentine, Matilda and Churchil). The box includes TO&Es for two of the more notable Soviet formations to employ Lend-Lease forces the 18th Tank Corps (July 1943) and the 1st Guards Mechanized Corps (January 1945).

    This expansion also includes the next 2 double-sided geomorphic mapboards for expanded play and many more battle combinations. Urban warfare is part of the Scenario list with 2 of the mapboards providing ample city terrain for it.

    In order to play this expansion only the Panzer base game is required. The other expansions are not.

    Included Panzer Exp2 units:
    German: 2cm Vierling Zgkw 8t, 3.7cm FlaK Zgkw 8t, Flakpanzer 38(t), Flammpanzer 38(t), Grille 33/1, Ostwind, PSW 234/1, PSW 234/2 Puma, PSW 234/3, PSW 234/4, PSW II Luchs, Pz 38(t) Aufklarer, Pz 38(t)C, Pz IB, Pz IIC, Pz IIIF, Pz IIIJ, Pz IVD, PzKpfw 35(t), SPW 250/11, SPW 251/22; Leg units
    Soviet: 12.7mm AAMG, BA-10 M38, BA-20M M36, BT-7 M37, BT-7A M37, BT-8 M38, Churchill III, GAZ-AA, Komsomolyets, KV-1 M40, KV-1 M41, M3 Lee, Matilda II, Sherman III (75), Sherman III (76), Stuart III, SU-57 M43, SU-76i M43, T-26S M37, T-28 M34,
    T-28E M38, T-34/76 M40, T-35 M35, T-38 M37, T-40 M40, T-60 M41, Valentine II, Valentine VIII; Leg units

    Box contents:

    • 2 full-color countersheets
    • 2 two-sided 10" x 27" geomorphic mapboards
    • 24 double-sided Unit Data Cards
    • 1 Reference & Scenario Book

        - $45.00

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