Panzer: The Game of Small Unit Actions and Combined Arms Operations on the Eastern Front 1943-45 (3rd Printing)

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    Panzer is a complete game system designed for small unit actions from platoon to battalion-sized formations in World War 2. The primary focus is Armored Warfare simulation, but Leg (Infantry) and Towed units are also part of the game. Each 7/8” double-sided counter represents a single vehicle, towed gun or aircraft. The 5/8" double-sided leg unit counters represent squads, half-squads and sections, including their attached weapons.

    It's a modular rules system with Basic, Advanced and Optional rules, which the players can mix and match according to taste - you can keep it simple or make it as complex as desired. All Unit data is included on the full-color Data Cards. The streamlined chit-based command system moves the action along at a brisk pace.

    The base game comes with 10 Scenarios, some of which are aimed at new players and use only the Basic rules.

    Included Panzer units:
    German: 7.5cm PaK 40, 8.8cm FlaK 36, Marder II, Pz IIIM, Pz IVG, Pz IVH, Pz V Panther, Pz VIB Tiger II, Pz VIE Tiger I, SdKfz 7, SdKfz 10, SdKfz 11, SPW 251/1, STuG IIIG, Trucks; Leg Units
    German fliers: Fw 190 F-1, Hs 129 B-1/R-2
    Soviet: 57mm M43, 76.2mm M39, IS-2m M44, KV-1S M42, Limber, SU-100 M44, SU-152 M43, SU-76M M43, SU-85 M43, T-34/76 M43, T-34/85 M44, T-70 M42, Trucks; Leg Units
    Soviet fliers: Il-2m3, Yak-9T

    Panzer includes rules for:

    • 11 unique vehicle hit locations, armor angles and penetration charts for level, rising and falling fire
    • Various ammunition types, e.g. AP, HVAP, APCR, HEAT, HE...
    • Sighting effects
    • Overwatch fire
    • Rate-of-fire
    • Indirect fire, both on-map and off-map

    Currently there are 4 published expansions for Panzer. Each brings additional geomorphic maps, new units and scenarios:
    Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 1 – The Shape of Battle on the Eastern Front 1943-45
    Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 2 – The Final Forces on the Eastern Front 1941-44
    Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 3 – Drive to the Rhine: The Second Front 1944-45
    Panzer: Game Expansion Set, Nr 4 – France 1940

    A standalone Panzer box is also incoming in late 2023:
    Panzer North Africa

    Box contents:

    • 3 full-color countersheets
    • 22" x 34" map with 1" hexes
    • 16 full-color double-sided Unit Data Cards (German on one side, Russian on the other)
    • 2 Sumary Cards
    • Full-color Rulebook (Basic and Advanced Game)
    • Full-color Optional Rules book
    • Full-color Playbook
    • 5 Player Aid Cards
    • 4 10-sided dice

    - $85.00

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