Moonstone Campaign Day (Shade falls upon Tauber)

Shade falls upon Tauber-

As sure as the sun shall rise and the moonstones fade there is a darkness descending upon Tauber. Or should i say rising...

The rumors of the shades  and King Chernoch returning and retaking moon reach has all parties concerned.

The commonwealth, the dominion, and the followers of Leshavit are all clamouring for the necessary limited resources required to protect their lands and people. With the possibility of a coming war

The elritch have  have put out a high bounty for moonstones in order to prepare for this threat.

As in any economy gold is king and required in mustering the forces to ensure the general uneasy peace on Tauber remains

All the factions have sent stone hunting parties out on a nightly hunt

Who will come out on top most prepared only time will tell

Will it be the humans and gnomes of the commonwealth from sunrise city or will it be the Goblin tribes led by the king of eclypse isle or Diana and her Fae warriors from nightshade

Or will Leshavit arise again to lead their cultists along with the tribal fauns to be the most prepared?

The elritch are always the winners pulling the strings and so they shall watch from grommel with a sharp eye...

-This campaign will consist of 3-4 turns using the standard arising campaign scenario

What you will need to play

o  One 7-8 model troupe of moonstone minis (props if painted and reroll initi/EB roll) all standard faction rules apply

o  Access to campaign cards- if you have a set please bring them to use this will help speed up things

o  Any counters widgets etc for game play.

o  A good fun spirited attitude

This is a one day campaign to get us playing and familiar with the ruleset

It will consist of 3-4 rounds depending on the number of players

Each round will be 90mins with a 15min break in between and a 30min break for lunch probably after round 2.

Start @ noon - run down

Rd 1  12:15 - 1:15

Rd2  1:30 - 3:00


Rd3   4:00 - 5:30

Rd 4  5:45 - 7:15

End results and out by 7:30!

This will have a mild escalation using draft format for games.

Rd1 4v4

Rd2 5v5

Rd3 5v5

Rd 4 6v6 with an opponent ban.

This will be a team campaign and scoring follows

All vp and mp will be a sum average of the players per faction

And individual players scoring will be acknowledged!

Please also track slain models as that's a fun brutal stat to track.

This is an entry campaign and the focus should be fun and getting to know our community

While the ticket price is $5 that $5 will be added to your store credit account.

Moonstone Campaign Day (Shade falls upon Tauber) ticket

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